Unabridged Audiobook
Spoke too fast for me to process but I’m kind of old.
I found myself in and out of this book, I just found it super repetitive. Probably could have read the coles notes on this and got the message.
I don’t have enough good things to say and I don’t think my review would do any sort of justice so below are some excerpts from the book. •Let got of knowledge and opinions that are no longer serving you well •Think like a scientist: question your thinking processes - be actively open minded •The purpose of learning isn’t to affirm our beliefs. It’s to evolve our beliefs •Doubts can be a cue we need to improve our tools - learn to use imposter syndrome to your advantage •Yes, we are entitled to hold our own opinions inside our heads, but when we choose to express them out loud though it’s our responsibility to ground them in logic and facts and to share our reasoning with others and change our minds when better evidence emerges •We learn more from people who challenge our thought process then those who affirm our conclusions •Many communicators try to make themselves look smart. Great listeners are more interested in making their audience feel smart. •Take time in your confusion - confusion can be a cue that there is new territory to be explored or a fresh puzzle to solve
Great read , made me rethink
Good book! I found it a little less “wow” than giving and taking by the same author.
Lots of information. Completely thought provoking. It requires living in the present and being willing to change course when presented with new information. In short - it’s work and requires action on our part. I like it! Thank you
Very well written and researched. For the first time in my life I felt empowered by what I still don't know, instead of being overpowered. Intellectually and emotionally uplifting, inspiring, motivational and humourous! I can't wait to read it again!
What a great book! This is the best book to read in 2021 with all the changes around the world. It happened that I found this book right when I wanted to change my career. I had doubts if I made a mistake but this books opened my eyes into so many possibilities in life. This in NOT you typical self-help book. This one actually useful!