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Insurrection, Book 2: Assault of the Revolution

Insurrection, Book 2: Assault of the Revolution

Written by:
C. J. Korryn
Narrated by:
Josh Innerst
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Price: $5.99 $3.00

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 25, 2023
3 hours 40 minutes
Several months after Aurik and his team freed a prison camp, enlisting its occupants into their cause, the battle escalates into an all-out war for dominion over the planet. Losses are heavy, morale is low, and the revolution is on the brink of falling. What happens next will change the fate of the galaxy forever. 

 A fast-paced, action-packed book series originally published in serial format will take you on an intense journey as you follow humanity’s revolution.
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