Unabridged Audiobook
Great Read
I love this series of books. Lorelei King is a amazing narrator she is my favorite!!
The book is great but I find with this trial that I really don't care for audible books. No matter who the narrator is I find they don't sound like the voices in my head that I hear when I read a book.
this needs to be added to the Mercedes Thompson Series listing as book 9 which it is
I absolutely love this series. Patricia brings sucks you into a fantastic fantasy world that easily mirrors reality. As someone who has lived in Washington state her imagery of the area is spot on. My only one quip is that the narrator gives all of the vampires your stariotypical vampire accent. I find it kind of cheesy.
great series!
love this series
another great read
Love this series! Though Patricia’s writing can be a little redundant.