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Keto Meal Prep 2019: A Step by Step 30-Days Meal Prep Guide to Make Delicious and Easy Ketogenic Recipes for a Rapid Weight Loss
Written by:
Stefano Villa
Narrated by:
Zac Aleman
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Release Date
July 17, 2019
3 hours 41 minutes
Are you looking for new ketogenic diet recipes?
Are you hoping to free up more of your week?
Are you interested in what meal prepping can offer you?
'Keto,' from the word ketosis, is made from Ketones, the term for the body's energy molecules. This is a second source of energy for the body that is utilized when glucose (blood sugar) is insufficient to meet the body's needs. Ketones are generated when the number of carbohydrates (the major source of glucose) consumed is very little, in combination to a limited amount of protein (additional protein is converted into glucose.) Under these conditions, the liver converts fat to ketones which are then transported into the bloodstream. The body cells use this as a source of energy, like glucose. They can also be utilized by the brain. This is essential, as the brain cannot get its energy directly from fat, and it is a rapid energy-consuming organ. 'Keto,' from the word ketosis, is made from Ketones, the term for the body's energy molecules. This is a second source of energy for the body that is utilized when glucose (blood sugar) is insufficient to meet the body's needs. Ketones are generated when the number of carbohydrates (the major source of glucose) consumed is very little, in combination to a limited amount of protein (additional protein is converted into glucose.) Under these conditions, the liver converts fat to ketones which are then transported into the bloodstream.
Here's a sneak preview of what's inside of this book:
✓what's keto and how to get started
✓a 28 meal plan
✓tons of ketogenic recipes
✓tips and tricks of a ketogenic lifetsyle
✓a FAQ
✓and much much more!!!
Grab your copy today!
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Keto Meal Prep 2019: A Step by S...
Stefano Villa
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