Kundalini Awakening: Discover How To Boost Your Positive Energy And Relieve Stress By Achieving Higher Levels Of Consciousness And Rebalancing Your Chakras

Written by:
Athena Frazier
Narrated by:
Kristine Williams
Price: $14.95 $7.48

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 2020
2 hours 32 minutes
Have you heard about Kundalini, but you don't know what it is? Do you experience a sudden need to change everything about your life? Have you noticed physical symptoms such as restlessness or insomnia? Then this is the sign you should change something in your life, and this guide will suggest you how to do!
The word “Kundalini” refers to the energy that everybody has within them, but typically lies dormant. What this means is that most people do not sense this force, so they do not even know it exists most of the time. However, in a few rare cases, this energy will come to life, become triggered and aroused. If this is your case, this may be a joyful occasion to discover how to awake your Kundalini. Those who deliberately awaken their kundalini will have a positive response to this phenomenon. You will learn everything you need to know about kundalini and spiritual awakening and how to cure your chakras that may hold you back from your true potential. Whether you are a novice or looking for a way to improve your life, let kundalini benefit your life for the better.
After listening to this audio book, you will be able to:
• Understand the elusive and mysterious essence of Kundalini
• Recognize the signs that Kundalini wants to awaken in your body
• Make sure your body and mind are ready to accept the rising Kundalini
• Balance the Connection Between Chakras and Kundalini
• Increase Your Ability to Discover Secret Passions
• Implement Breathing and Yoga Techniques for Relaxation and Stress Reduction
• And much more!
Awakening your Kundalini is not an easy process. Nevertheless, you will not be the first person going through it. Simply rely on the experience of ancient and modern day practitioners, and your first mystical experiences will not be far away!
Are you ready to transform your life? Scroll up and buy now and start awakening your Kundalini!
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Excellent book! I’m going to definitely listen to it a couple of more times! I want to listen to it again because I’m sure I missed some good nuggets of info.

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Nadine S.

Really loved this audio book. Most definitely requires a second "listening" for me. Loads of valuable information.

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Belinda J.

I will be referencing this book a lot in the future! Not only did it breaks down what to expect with coming into Kundalini but it also offered you some real mantras and chants to assist you along the way. A must listen/read for all of those growing as a soul on this earth and who's looking for spiritual enlightenment.

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Angelica T.

I have bought lot of audiobooks on Kundalini, and this is the one I prefer and appreciate the most. Clear explanations, lot of details, and the voice of narrator is so deep and precise! Best purchase if you like this topic

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By far the best audio book on this topic, it breaks down what to expect, I will be referencing it a lot in the future!

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Marta V.

I Love This audiobook. I have tried numerous meditation cds, as well as hypnosis and NLP. I love this one the best. It truly is powerful and can take you to new heights of awareness that makes life so much better. I love the gong. It gives me a sound to send bad stuff into and I do like the stuff he says.

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Jessi B.

This audio book is ideal for learners since it was made in an exceptionally basic manner for better and simpler comprehension. I love those books that were included and compiled it in here. So much information in it and have learned a lot. Also it was beautifully narrated

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Marcela H.

This audiobook has opened the door for me in a lot of ways and with an honest and open approach, I found it amazing on many levels. I believe her book should be the one to pick up especially if you're a beginner.

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Mark J.

This audio book is a wonderful resource that is brief and direct yet packed with useful and important information. The author provides the listener or reader with essential information on a topic that continues to remain veiled within a labyrinth of partial truths. It helps me understand the life-changing dynamics of kundalini awakening. It is truly a powerful practice that I wouldn't miss!

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