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Broken on Purpose: Relationship Edition

Broken on Purpose: Relationship Edition

Written by:
Victoria Marshall
Narrated by:
Samaria Kelly
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Price: $12.00 $6.00

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 9, 2023
4 hours 18 minutes
Broken relationships, significant losses, and traumatic experiences often leave us wondering why God would allow us to feel such deep pain. As grief and heartbreak seem to overwhelm us, it may seem like we will never move beyond our negative feelings and thoughts. Confronting our brokenness causes us to feel uncomfortable, but it’s necessary if we are ever to discover our purpose and experience the freedom and love God desires for us.

With practical advice and biblical principles, Victoria Marshall reminds readers that to live a life beyond brokenness; we must be willing to accept the past, forgive ourselves and others, and trust that God wants to heal us for a purpose greater than our own desires. As she shares her personal life story, she dives deep into her own encounters with rejection, abuse, and disappointment.

Victoria reminds us that God still has plans for us after broken relationships and reveals how she overcame these negative experiences and found a life filled with peace, joy, and contentment. Victoria helps us focus on the importance and power of loving ourselves as we seek to heal, live, and thrive after broken seasons.
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