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The Secret

Written by:
Rhonda Byrne
Narrated by:
Rhonda Byrne

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 28, 2006
4 hours 26 minutes
The worldwide bestselling phenomenon that has helped millions tap the power of the law that governs all our lives to create—intentionally and effortlessly—a joyful life.

In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of the universe—The Secret—and, later that year, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller.

Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions, and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.
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Amara Schubert

I disliked the simplistic language used in this book and that the beginning of the book was meant to appeal to our greedy side "You can have money!" I'm all for positive thinking because it does affect how we experience life, but I do not believe that we can sit back and think our dream car to ourselves nor that we accidentally bring negative things to ourselves by unknowingly thinking of them too much. Sometimes things just happen. Sometimes we need to work for what we want. I think we're here to learn lessons and the Universe deals us cards that we don't want for that purpose.It doesn't spoil us by giving us what we want, but challenges us with struggles to make us better people in the long run.

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Shellanee Brock

I appreciate books like these. To have the possibility of success at your fingertips and understand how is the key. I have taken notes and will practice this lifestyle. Positive brings positive, and negative invites negative. A good read I recommend it for all ages.

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Tom T

I do get the positive thought process of this audio book however the reader lost me half way through due to the ridiculous examples she used and the manner in which it was delivered. the book has very little credibility as far as I'm concerned. making reference to famous successful people "who knew the secret" was blatant bull. Dont waste you time.

Love it .. The law of attraction is strong and if you us It to you full potential then you will have everything you want..

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Andrew J.

I love the Secret, it's very inspiring, I listen to it as much as I can when I'm driving or just after listening to music that always puts me in a good mood and now I want to give it as a gift to my son and need to find out how.

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Melody W.

great read

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I liked the way the book helped to simplify the law of attraction.

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Mariela P.

Loved this book and love Rhonda Byrne.

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Tetyana L.

Great, easy and pleasure to hear. I enjoyed.

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i would love to believe with all my heart , and I would love to know what it is Im here for

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Travis S.

Fantastic book. Some parts of it have definitely helped towards mindfulness and awareness to the law of attraction. Little bit money oriented where I feel they should have brought more of the present moment into it.. good book otherwise..

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Jeetesh P.

Love it

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Sara D.

I really enjoyed this book, and found it hard to stop listening as I wanted to hear and learn more. I’ve listened twice now and live going back to it.

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Angela F.

This is a terrible book. Yes you should think positive and be grateful but you need that be grateful to your Lord and Savior not the "universe".

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Hawwa Shaheena M.

Alhamdhulillah! one of the best titles I have ever listened. To have narrations from all the contributing experts is the reason I loved it so much

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I like this book thank

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Deeply problematic. Hilarious it was once popular.

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Katty M

Great book.

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Amanda N.

I liked the positive thinking theme. It loses me from time to time when it goes into a shameless celebrity grab in the name of research but overall like the law of attraction idea. I made myself push through the hype of the first 30 - 40 minutes on the recommendation of a friend and was glad I did. If you can disregard the ridiculous and embrace the positives it is a nice easy background listen. I also think you need to listen to this book at the right time in your life for it to resonate.

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I thought they will give me a downloadable file so I can listen on my phone, but I am shocked that this isnt avaliable and frankly its misleading to addvertise that you can buy your own copy of the audio, so disapionting.

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Waste of time! Don’t read.

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Ewa D.

I would prefer to listen to the "Secret - daily teaching" but Audiobooks doesn't have it. Don't like to listen instructions what to do or how to think. Daily teaching version doesn't have any interpretation of given text, so would prefer it. Hopefully Audiobooks add it to they list.

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Juan M.

Good stuff

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This book masquerades as almost Positive Psychology, though is all sizzle and no steak. Nothing of true value is to be gained here. It is mental opium.

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Extremely repetitive of simple motherhood statement. I would fall asleep listening to it, then wake up and feel like I am listening to the same sentences again. the narration further added the cult like feeling to the experience as there were very few facts presented and all the rest was someone's beliefs.

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Kurt S

This book is pure rubbish. I actually purchased the book. During its hype. Cannot believe I fell for it.

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K O.

Visualization works! Throw what you want into the universe and work towards it! Great concepts.

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Jagjot A.

amazing concepts explained in simple language and examples

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Pretty good advice and living with the “like attracts like” mentality is definitely the way to live. Not sure if I agree with how they say you attract everything into your life. I mean as a child Im not sure how I could have attracted the physical abuse that I experienced…

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Karen K.

I thought the messages overall were helpful but sometimes a little corny. When you think about it, it’s stuff you should already know. I would still recommend this though.

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great book!

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With God all things is possible !!!

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Jessica C.

Nice short reminder to think positively and with purpose.

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Filipa G.

I absolutely love this book and any other books from Rhonda Byrne! Thank you . Thank you . Thank you . ❤

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Awesome book

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Amazing Book!! The law of attraction explained very well!

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I loved the book. With references provided by author and they sharing their experiences is quite helpful. Well narrated

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Lucy D.


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nicole Steenkamp

a good book if you are in a bad space. will change your way of thinking

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Jan H.

Awful sleazy

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Diane B.

Liked the message but the speed up of the narration was annoyingl.

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Incredible book that everyone should listen or read at list once! It’s inspiring and opens the unlimited power that you hold!

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The book was great. The simplicity in understanding what the author was trying to convey was very good.

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Suresh K.

This book is equal to all books of famous philosophers and psychiartists

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Inspiring book. Narrator was a little too dramatic.

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LaShell M.

I appreciate this book, i was skeptical in the beginning, but continued to listen and as i began to truly listen and become open to the message written the more engaged i became!!

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Evelyn L.

Enlightening and a mind expanding book. I especially like that Joy and Gratitude underpins our Faith to possess that which we want to see materialise.

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All I have to say is that this WORKS!!!!

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Yvette P.

This book literally changed my life for Good! Thank you Rhonda Byrne & all who contributed to this Amazing Book! ❤

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Alan R.

A great book very inspirational

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Nathan A

love the read good vibes in the power of belief

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Sandee P

I truly enjoyed this book, even though I did find it very repetitive... which I guess is part of the process for understanding the “secret “ properly :)

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Celia B


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Shirley J

The best therapy. I have ever received. Thank you so much!!!!!!!

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Lyndsey W

I loved this book!!!!!!!! I personally found it very helpful when thinking about my own specific goals. I am glad I downloaded this.

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Kat W

Easy to listen to Interesting An eye opener!! I have enjoyed listening to this book and have started to apply the secret to my life Really interested book

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cassandra r

You have the power to change your life. This book shows great aspect of how you can do that unique to you. So glad I got the audio book I listen to it at least once a week!

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Juliet M

This was a great book! Thank you for changing my thought process.

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Yvette R

Great book! VERY insightful. Should be part of high school curriculum, or actually already earlier in life. Lovely if you would have parents that practice this. I've believed in the power of positive thinking since an early age, but never known how powerful it could really be. Saw the movie a while ago, now practicing it, the outcome is wondrous. I'm embracing life and feel very fortunate. Do yourself a favour and read this book!

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reda a

Great book. It helps me to improve my English language.

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Paul Heywood

Never get bored of this book was not sure it would be as good in audio as the film but give it a few minutes it gets going

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Shannon Dinsmore

This audio is amazing! One of the best by far! I love the fact that the author is the one narrating her own book! She's very genuine I believe this and I have started or acting this ! I can't wait to see the results

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Humberto Gomez

Amazing book I've been practicing this method all my life and I thought it was strange until I read this book I relate completely to it .

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Wilbinton Romero

It was perfect! I loved it, I see life completely different.

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Kim Bains

Amazing must read. This is real and I hope everyone understands the opportunity this book can give you. Give it a try it will change your thinking and your life.

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Karen Nelson

I read the secret many years ago and it has completely transformed my life. The audio version is just as empowering! Positive thinking at its best.

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Shane Bush

I enjoyed the book. I'm definitely going to concentrate on thinking positive.

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Briana Frazier

This book changed my life! If it didn't change yours, you're still thinking negative! Everything I've thought and spoken in existence, I have received!

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Talon Majors

Inspiring, life changing, eye opening and revolutionary. Worked for me!

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Moissar Al Saraj

I love it .. it's a life shifter .. it gives impressive energy to change ..

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Justine sharp

Dreadful. Poorly narrated. Disjointed and insincere. This to me is a bunch of people making success off vulnerable people who want to have better lives. It does not share any new insights that is not already widely known. I was recommended this book by someone I thought would have more wisdom. There is no secret people!

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Robert White

Wish this book was around 30 years ago. I enjoyed it and will be listening to it again soon.

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William Friel

I have listened to the audiobook many times. It has taught me how to think, feel, and do so that I can have a more fulfilling life. It has also taught me how to be in gratefulness throughout my daily life. Growing up in a Catholic household I was never taught that we are here to be joyful and I need to be reminded this often. The Narrator is excellent (Rhonda Byrne) and carries a lot of energy throughout.

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Jeremy Steding

One of my favorites, and the more I use it, the more success I have.

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kenneth Kubiszewski

A must have for anyone wanting a change in life...

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Gary Young

I'm 60 years old and now realize my parents knew and taught me the secret, which I passed on to my family and others who were interested enough to apply it. You are drawn to your focus. Yes, keep your eye on the "ball" in every aspect of your life.

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Ramona Segovia

a must book, the narrator makes it even better, simply excellent

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Joseph Distephano

To all readers, I have read the book , and I have watch the vidio. I would highly recommend watching the vidio . I believe what they talk about my life and I know if you give it a try it will change your life . I have to say on one morerrcr. iii thing don't expect it to change right away it may take a while buqt when it dose your going to be amazed I just know it is . I want to thank everyone that put the the Secret together it took a while but when it did it was great you have to stay positive and patient . Thank You Joseph D.

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Jenna Stauber

Love The Secret!! This is a great philosophy to live by. Positive thinking can create such a better life for any person. I definitely recommend.

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Angie Tsintzifas

Amazing and inspiring! Absolutely loved it!! One of the best books I've ever read!

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Kari Redman

This is a life changing book that should be read by everyone! The secret is already inspiring change in my life!

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You get out of it what you want. Everything has something to teach you. If you are open minded and focused on learning, get this book. It can only help you expand you knowledge and understanding.

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The most astonishingly bad book I have ever encountered. Trite pablum dished out by a host of "experts" with ambiguous titles like "motivational specialist." It was especially telling that the measure of a successful life, as defined in this book, is monetary wealth. I would have to agree with the summary that The Secret was an incredible revelation - I would never have believed that such nonsense could find a publisher.

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I downloaded the audio and found it an easy listen. Its a bit like the "Power of Positive Thinking" decked out with Mr T jewelry and a direct satellite feed to the universe. I wasn't a 100% fan of the 'magical thinking' or 'magic speak' philosophy and found some of it a hokie. But, the underlying message is a good one. ps. Universe, I know you're listening, I have a check made out to myself for millions of dollars. I will accept delivery and EXPECT delivery soon! Thank you very much!!! Christine W.

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