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The Trump Tapes: Bob Woodward's Twenty Interviews with President Donald Trump

Written by:
Bob Woodward
Narrated by:
Donald J. Trump , Bob Woodward

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 24, 2022
11 hours 29 minutes
“The most memorable contribution to this year’s American political literature, however, was not a printed book. The Trump Tapes…is an audio collection that offers a passport to the heart of darkness.” —The Guardian

“An uncharacteristic warning from one of the most respected, non-partisan journalists in the world” —Jake Tapper, CNN

“It was riveting. I couldn’t get enough of it.” —Gayle King, CBS Mornings

The Trump Tapes explodes with the exclusive, inside story of Trump’s performance as president—in his own words as he is questioned, even interrogated by Woodward, on the president’s key responsibilities from managing foreign relations to crisis management of the coronavirus pandemic.

This is the job Trump seeks again. How did he do the first time? This is the authentic answer, laying bare his repeated failures, obsessions, and grievances.

The Woodward interviews take a reader to a reporter’s laboratory meticulously examining the Trump presidency like never before—spellbinding and devastating.

*Including all 27 letters between President Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un
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It’s like hearing a 4th grade child trying to convince himself and the world, that he knows better than anyone else. It’s hard not to listen but he really is anti American. And yet millions follow him. I just don’t get it!!

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Joanne E.

Thank you, Bob Woodward. You didn’t need to write about your conversations with a malignant narcissist, you let us hear him speak to us in his own words. A stunning display of self indulgence, lies, lack of insight, rudeness and disinterest in anything anyone else has to say. Clearly, accountability, loyalty to the American people and the desire to uphold and protect our democracy are not on his radar.

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Stacy F.

These interviews are terrifying. A malignant narcissist with very little education who has spent his entire life ripping people off and lying about everything, who is a lifelong com man was almost the person who brought this country down. Trump is all of humans worst traits packed into one person.

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Doreen B.

I see fiction is preferred over reality. Again, people hate Donald Trump soooo much, they have to purchase a book to justify their hate. I despise Barry Obummer and his wife… I wouldn’t waste a dime on a book about them.

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Great Job Bob Woodward look long overdue . Trump is a work art and really worst anti-christ that almost took away our DEMOCRACY!! TO MAKE THIS COUNTRY AGAIN IS WITHOUT DONALD CROOK TRUMP.

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Brittany R.

The tapes did a great job displaying how Trump’s different moods affect his thought patterns and tone. Over the book you can see how his attitude sours toward Woodward, especially regarding how he’ll be portrayed in Rage. Woodward consistently remains professional, respectful, and straightforward in the interviews. It’s remarkable how few ideas Trump has to say - like seeing the same commercial until you have to change the channel. The tapes feature many topics like North Korea, systemic racism, China, Covid-19, and the Mueller Report. In each instance Trump could/would not discuss any specifics, for example, his talks with Kim Jong Un. When confronted with challenges, Trump consistently defends himself with hyperbolic, sometimes irrelevant statements. In general he seems very preoccupied with media attention, overly sensitive to criticism, and avoiding self reflection. Overall, a compelling argument that Trump lives in the past and should be left in America’s past.

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It is chilling how close we came to the end of the Great Experiment.

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Helen P.

Excellent book!

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It was telling, in his own words.

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Interesting profile of a narcissist. Actually two narcissists, if you count Trump.

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