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Abuse: Facts about Sexual, Verbal and Domestic Abuse
Written by:
Mandy Whomack
Narrated by:
Denise L. Fountain
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Release Date
July 26, 2019
4 hours 56 minutes
Book 1: When you encounter signs of domestic violence, what do you do?
Some of us may have been through it, and others have seen it in other people's homes. Domestic violence is a serious problem. The stats don't lie, but they aren't completely accurate either. They reveal the victims who speak up, but not the ones who stay silent.
Book 2: Since it is all over the media and the horrific stories echo through our empathetic ears, it is almost mandatory for any caring civilian in society to understand at least some basics when it comes to sexual abuse. The facts are out there, and it is really happening to people in secret and sometimes without hiding anything. In this book, you will learn to grasp the reality of this sad phenomenon in society.
Book 3: Perhaps not a severe one, but verbal abuse happens all the time. Whenever people are mean to each other, they are, in some small degree, abusing another with their words. It could be strangers, coworkers, bosses, your spouse, your parents, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or your friends. It can be a simple incident or an ongoing pattern.
Book 4: In this elaborate study, the specific issues that relate to suicidal tendencies are addressed. Causes and consequences come to light, and comparisons are made between countries, individuals, and triggers that influence a person in a depressive state to contemplate the unthinkable.
Book 5: Learn how to recognize and deal with difficult people for good. Are you a difficult person? Are you able to help those who have more issues than the average individual? How do they act? How do difficult people enforce their demands on others?
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Abuse: Facts about Sexual, Verbal...
Mandy Whomack
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