All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings

All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings

Written by:
Gayle Boss
Narrated by:
Gayle Boss
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 2017
2 hours 10 minutes
 Open a window each day of Advent onto the natural world. The author reads twenty-five descriptions of wild animals of the northern hemisphere ingeniously adapting when darkness and cold descend. All of them reveal the ancient wisdom of Advent: The dark is not an end but a door, the way a new beginning comes.

These short, daily reflections paint vivid, poetic images of familiar animals. The print edition pairs the text with charming original wood-cuts that engage both children and adults. Anyone who does not want to be caught, again, in the consumer hype of “the holiday season” but rather to be taken up into the eternal truth the natural world reveals will welcome this book. 
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