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Animal Homes

Written by:
Mary Holland
Narrated by:
Helen Hernandez

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 20, 2020
0 hours 5 minutes
Just like humans, animals use their homes for shelter and to raise their young. Animal homes might be easy to see, or they may be hidden (camouflaged) for protection. Some animals are great builders and other animals borrow homes that other animals have made. Different animals might just use natural places like caves or holes in trees to make a home. And some animals might even carry their home on their back! Sticks, mud, leaves, cotton, and grass are all things that animals might use to build a home. Whether by digging, spinning, building or borrowing, animal homes are as varied as the animals themselves. This is a perfect addition to Mary Holland's Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series.
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