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Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures: An Introduction to Christian Witness

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 15, 2018
7 hours 15 minutes
The Zondervan Biblical and Theological Lectures series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures includes high-quality live recordings of college-level lectures that cover the important points from each subject as well as relevant material from other sources.


Amid the pluralism and secularism of Western culture, Christian apologetics has experienced a renewal of interest. In Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures, Liberty professors Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen provide an undergraduate-level introduction to the field, acquainting formal students and lay learners with the rich history and ongoing relevance of apologetics.


Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures is unique in its approach, which is:

- Practical, including 'how to' discussions and real-life illustrations
- Balanced, bringing together the best of evidential and presuppositional apologetics
- Biblical, grounding apologetics strongly in biblical studies
- Lovingly dialogical, enabling Christian to engage skeptics with the heart as well as the mind
- Historical, attuned to how objections to the faith have been dealt with in the past
- Up-to-date, explaining the approaches of leading philosophers and apologists
- Transferrable, available for various contexts including church, parachurch, and personal apologetics


Conversational and accessible, Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures provides a classroom-level introduction to the field of apologetics. Listeners will be informed and equipped for engaging disbelief with the best in Christian thought.
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