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Assyrians and Persians: Discovering Societies from the Ancient World
Written by:
Kelly Mass
Narrated by:
Doug Greene
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Release Date
March 26, 2022
2 hours 8 minutes
This combo consists of 3 short books, which are about the following topics:
1 - Assyria, frequently referred to as the Assyrian Empire, was a Mesopotamian kingdom and empire in the Ancient Near East that lasted from maybe the 25th century BC (in the form of the Assur city-state till its collapse between 612 BC and 605 BC, covering the Early to Middle Bronze Age to the Late Iron Age.
The Early Period (which was from about 2500 to 2025 BC), Old Assyrian Empire (2025 to 1378 BC), Middle Assyrian Empire (from 1392 to 934 BC), and Neo-Assyrian Empire (911 to 605 BC) are the 4 periods that comprise the Assyrian Empire.
2 - Whether you have played a Prince of Persia video game, seen the movie, or just heard about it in history class, it is hard to ignore the Persian Empire, which was among the greatest empires of the world for some time.
The typical area for the Persian Empire was what is now Iran. The Persians had a vast influence on surrounding countries and regions. Their style, art, music, rule, and culture has had an influence on the development of science and the forming of nations.
3 - Ur was a considerable Sumerian city-state in old Mesopotamia, situated near modern-day 'Tell el-Muqayyar' in the Dhi Qar Governorate in southern Iraq. Ur was formerly a seaside city on the Persian Gulf, near the mouth of the Euphrates, but the shoreline has modified, and the city is now well inland, on the south bank of the Euphrates, sixteen kilometers (about 9.9 miles) from Nasiriyah in modern-day Iraq.
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Assyrians and Persians: Discoveri...
Kelly Mass
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