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Written by:
David Sikter
Narrated by:
Luke Pelletier
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 28, 2022
11 hours 6 minutes
The year is 2048, and Anders Helmemyr has just started studying computer science in Uppsala, Sweden. Amidst political activism, a complicated love life, and the thrills of student nightlife, he meets Niklas, a computer genius who began his Ph.D. in artificial intelligence at the age of 18.

Niklas has a secret: he’s conducting illegal research on a home-built neurosimulator, trying to create an artificial consciousness – a program that thinks and feels like humans do. Anders is drawn into the project, and together they develop Niklas’ brainchild, Leo. However, neither of them knows just what the repercussions for their creation will be. Politics, and life as they know it, are about to change for all time.

Autogenesis is the first book from Swedish computer scientist and sci-fi writer David Sikter’s epic trilogy Let There Be Gods, a compelling and evocative vision of the future of humanity in the age of sentient machines.
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