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Be Positive: Ten Hours of Overnight Subliminal Suggestions Embedded Within Sounds of Steady Rain

Be Positive: Ten Hours of Overnight Subliminal Suggestions Embedded Within Sounds of Steady Rain

Written by:
Robert Craig
Narrated by:
Robert Craig
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
March 24, 2020
11 hours 30 minutes
Would you like to be more positive?Of course, you would. We all would. The problem is, in a world fraught with pits and perils, it can be a challenge to maintain a positive state of mind.

One way is to encourage yourself to be more positive. But how do you do that?

You can try this Be Positive program of subliminal suggestions to be more positive. You can listen to this program overnight while you sleep.

All you will hear is the soothing sounds of steady rain. However, beneath the calming sounds of rain at a subliminal level are suggestions about being more positive, finding the joy and beauty in life, and excelling at whatever you do.

Every two hours, we introduce a new section. Each chapter is announced in a soft voice so as not to interrupt your sleep.

If you sleep more than ten hours, you will awake to the sound of the conclusion of the Be Positive audio program. But, after ten hours, isn't it about time to get up anyway?

Here are some subliminal suggestions included in the Be Positive program:

- I focus on beauty and joy in life
- I inspire others to be the best that they can be
- I am powerful
- I am optimistic
- I choose to be positive.
- I persevere
- I feel positive energy because I am enthusiastic
- I take advantage of life and enjoy its beauty

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