Unabridged Audiobook
This audiobook has a lot of great tips I'd never heard of before would recommend this for anyone wanting the woman with beauty.
This audiobook is a masterpiece it lays out all the things society doesn’t want you to know. Get your hands on this audible!!
I didn't want it to end. Best on beauty, helping information, humorous, pure, thanks to the author.
I listened to this to understand my wife better and what I need to do as a man. Like the author says at the end you don’t have to do everything he says, if you do 1%, you are well on your way to a relationship.
"Beauty: Flawless & Unabridged" provided great insight into the life of women along the way. I have experienced the highs and lows and unfortunately the substance addition that goes along with it in many cases. It struck home! It is a juggling act and my heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with beauty.
This audiobook provides me with another perspective of Augustus Vaughn, the author really worked hard and makes you appreciate his art even more.
This title is a chef-d'oeuvre it spreads out all the things humankind doesn’t like you to learn. Get your arrows on this audiobook!!