Unabridged Audiobook
Very informative with dates and names on a subject I care about.
*THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS* In general I liked the book. I was with the author until the last 42 minutes of a narration that took some 16 plus hours. Then in his epilogue he referenced several current long term issues that are - in my opinion - not settled science. The writers support of Climate Change as settled science detracts from the presentation he put together surrounding the central issue - the Holocaust. I found his analogy between the science of ballistics - first developed by Issac Newton - and Climate Change - to be frightening juvenile. One topic is straight forward, easily experimented with, and simple. You can write the pertinent equations on a single sheet of legal pad using a No 2 pencil. The other topic is very complex, cannot be modeled accurately using the most sophisticated computers and has a history of 50 years - and many revisions during the period of its Climate Change sciences existence. So if the author made this jump of logic in the summary section of his work how many similar leaps did he take in the development of the body of the work. Good stuff but he destroyed my faith in his credibility.
This audiobook explores Hitler's rationale and approach to make Germany self sufficient like the world powerful US. We slaughtered and eraticated the American Indian to conquer their lands and food sources, hense his demented approach for the same end.