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Body Language: How to Talk to People and Analyze Them Fast
Written by:
Hendrick Kramers
Gregory Haynes
Craig Jaeger
Jonathan Phoenix
Samirah Eaton
Aries Hellen
Shevron Hirsch
John Adamssen
Narrated by:
Queenie Walsh
Alex Lancer
Dean Collins
Rory Young
Sarah Margrave
Doug Greene
Carlton Smith
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Release Date
December 22, 2020
6 hours 57 minutes
This is a big combination of a series of books. There are 8 titles, which are subdivided into the following topics:
Topic 1: Socializing can be a real challenge. You may not think of it as such, but if you take into account all the subtle body language, what different meanings the words imply, and tone of voice, it can be tricky for those who get nervous or don’t possess the skills to see all those references.
Topic 2: Many people have become masters at reading people’s thoughts. They use techniques they have learned from others to their advantage. It’s not impossible. It’s definitely a skill that can be acquired and improved. In this book, we’ll touch on several aspects related to this principle, such as:
Millennial personality types and how to analyze them.
How to communicate to people with various personality types.
Mind reading techniques from the pros.
A fascinating discussion about the reality and the myths concerning intuition and instinct.
Simple methods to become better at reading people’s hidden messages.
Topic 3: Co-dependent relationships can be quite the challenge. Many people are in one, even though they don’t realize it. It typically consists of a couple enabling each other or manipulating each other, and individuals who lack self-esteem. Or they might have a feeling that the relationship is all they need or will satisfy all their needs. Often, it is based on a lie or a learned pattern from their childhood.
Topic 4: There are several topics included in this book that relate to influencing others. Some of these can help you master your own emotions and qualities. Others can improve your leadership skills or help you communicate with people more effectively.
And 4 other themes!
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Body Language: How to Talk to Peo...
Hendrick Kramers
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