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Body Language: Learn about Influence, Emotional Intelligence, NLP, and Analyzing People
Written by:
Hendrick Kramers
Gregory Haynes
Craig Jaeger
Jonathan Phoenix
Samirah Eaton
Aries Hellen
Shevron Hirsch
John Adamssen
Narrated by:
Queenie Walsh
Alex Lancer
Dean Collins
Rory Young
Sarah Margrave
Doug Greene
Carlton Smith
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Release Date
December 22, 2020
6 hours 57 minutes
This is a big combination of a series of books. There are 8 titles, which are subdivided into the following topics:
Topic 1: This book can help you improve your social skills and see the benefits of such skills. Aside from that, we will also dive into the actual benefits of shyness, which may surprise you. You will learn about the top 5 ways to make small talk worth the trouble, the best ways to end it, and ways to go beyond it.
Topic 2: When it comes to reading others’ thoughts, it matters to make eye contact. The eyes are the windows of the soul, they say. In this guide, this is just one of many topics that will be addressed.
Topic 3: Are you co-dependent or just a caring person?
This question lies at the heart of the first chapter in this book. Other chapters include topics such as: narcissism in relationships, abuse, addiction to love, self-confidence, controlling behavior, the myth of getting what you want, broken promises, signs of co-dependency, trauma, and loving your partner more.
Topic 4: Why do people follow some leaders and not others?
Why do your friends have so much influence on you?
This book will discuss those topics and expand on these ideas, as well as others. We will point out how consumer behavior is directed by advertising, how you can become a more powerful influencer, and go into details about leadership qualities everyone should have.
Topic 5: Some people get it all wrong when it comes to understanding the intricate depths of emotional intelligence and all that pertains to it. What are some of the misconceptions people believe in? We will explore that today.
And 3 other topics!
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Body Language: Learn about Influe...
Hendrick Kramers
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