Unabridged Audiobook
I've spent my professional career in dentistry caring for patients. I've spent a lifetime struggling with metabolism. I've developed auto immune disease and I've been convinced for years that thyroid medication was at least an incomplete answer. Now, at 50, I have Paget's Disease and I'm instantly starting this book over to listen to it a second time. My career ended two years ago after a neurosurgeon convinced me my only answer was an MVD and it went poorly. I'm searching for my life and I think I just found some guide posts in this book. I wish I'd found it at age 25 instead of 50.
Listen to this book!! So much information, knowledge, and clarity. I chose this selection on a whim and it blew my mind. I’ve been a mechanic all my life and the idea of a root cause analysis for the human brain and mitochondria function really makes sense. I’ve seen countless issues with machines having unusual and not likely connected issues drawing to a root issue just like is explained in this book. Worthy of a listen no matter what you do or where you are in life, very valuable information that will change how we view mental illness and the human body.
Argument is well narrated.Book is enjoyable. Practical solutions need to be expanded in further.