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Church People: The Lutherans of Lake Wobegon

Written by:
Garrison Keillor
Narrated by:
Ensemble Cast

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 2, 2009
2 hours 10 minutes
Skits, songs, stories, and more from A Prairie Home Companion reveal the secret world of a stalwart people.

When you fly Lutheran Air, there’s no first class, meals are potluck with assignments by rows (rows 1-6, bring rolls; rows, 7-15, salad), all fares are by freewill offering, and the plane doesn’t land until the budget is met.

Welcome to the Land of Lutherans, where people drive Fords, wear cardigans, go to church at Third Lutheran (which used to be called First Lutheran, but Lutherans are more comfortable with being Third), drink a lot of coffee, serve chow mein noodles on tuna hot dish, work hard, and don’t make a fuss. Selected from live broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion, this collection celebrates the kindest people on God’s green earth—except for the mean ones. If you’re not a Lutheran, you’ll laugh out loud. If you are, you’ll smile as hard as you can.

- I’m a Lutheran
- Lutheran Tours: Vacation Guilt
- Potato Salad
- Elim Lutheran Anniversary with Philip Brunelle
- Iniquity on the Tundra with Charles Keating
- LYLE: Lutheran Youth League for Evangelism
- St. Patrick’s Day
- The Story of Bob with Vern Sutton
- Church Directory
- Guy Noir: New Year’s Eve Indiscretion
- LOL: Lutherans On Line
- Lutheran Polka
- Summer Vacation
- Flood: Floating Away with Your Pastor
- Evelyn Lundquist Counseling Agency (ELCA): Easter Briefing
- Church Organist
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