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Critical Thinking: Common Questions, Answers, and Examples
Written by:
Marco Jameson
Narrated by:
J. A. Lydock
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Release Date
October 9, 2020
3 hours 27 minutes
This is a 3-book bundle, which addresses various subtopics, including but not limited to these:
Book 1: Many people don’t understand what critical thinking is. Moreover, not all the ones that do, apply it in their daily lives. Politics, the media, and so many other aspects of society show how small the number is of people who use their brains.
Critical thinking means, among others, that you look at multiple sides of a controversial topic, that you can stay objective and put away your biases until you have reached a firm conclusion based on verifiable facts. This skill is highly valuable in job interviews, relationships, and everyday life.
Book 2: What makes someone a critical thinker?
The attributes of such a person are elaborately described in this book. Alongside with that, the book highlights the many benefits of critical thinking, an often-neglected brain skills society needs to improve on.
However, most of the book is focused on relevant and irrelevant reasoning. So often, we attribute certain consequences to the wrong causes. We jump to conclusions based on limited information, emotions, or generalizations.
Book 3: What is a fallacy? Many people may have heard the word before but don’t grasp the magnitude of it. They erroneously assume that they aren’t guilty of embracing half-truths or false conclusions. And yet, those are often the ones who do it the most.
In this guide, you will receive greater comprehension of what fallacies are and close your blind spot to the truth of things.
Later, the author goes on to instruct you on inductive and deductive reasoning, which are two techniques that help people reach logical conclusions without going astray in their paths of thinking.
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Critical Thinking: Common Questio...
Marco Jameson
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