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The Dark Psychology: Seeing through and Using Persuasion, Manipulation, and Influence to Your Advantage
Written by:
Norton Ravin
Narrated by:
Stephen Low
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Release Date
July 26, 2019
4 hours 42 minutes
Book 1: So many men miss the point! They show off, they do everything they can to get results so that good-looking women approve of what they do, and they still don’t get the attention they seek. What are they doing wrong? I was like this, too. I never understood how a guy could show up and immediately have all kinds of women surrounding him. After all, I was nice, respectful, and sincerely interested in women. What did that guy have that I didn’t? Well, in this guide, you’ll see it the right way.
Book 2: What is persuasion, and how can you apply it? This and many other questions will be answered in this brief guide to learning the basics of persuasion techniques. You will be amazed at the new information and knowledge you’ll receive.
Book 3: We are all driven by emotions, desires, and impulses that enter our brains. Methods of persuasion have been used throughout history, some with success and some without. In this audiobook, you’ll find new insights of how the psychology of persuading others to do what you want works.
Book 4: Even if we don’t know it or do it on purposes, we are always influencing others. We influence people by the way we dress, look, talk, or behave ourselves on the Internet. In this audiobook, you will find out what it takes to increase the influence you have on others, and to really know what you’re doing. Many people don’t. They just go through the day without wondering what effect their words and actions have on others. But you won’t make that same mistake. Learn the secrets inside.
Book 5: Many people wonder what mentalism is. Actually, it’s a lot like magic. You make people believe that you have divine or superhuman abilities by using deception techniques to create a show, persuade, or sell. There are different kinds of mentalism, each with its pros and cons. In this guide, you’ll learn about the best practices and most common ways to use this skill.
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The Dark Psychology: Seeing throu...
Norton Ravin
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