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Dolly Parton: The Life of a Legendary American Singer, Actor, and Businesswoman

Dolly Parton: The Life of a Legendary American Singer, Actor, and Businesswoman

Written by:
Newbury Publishing
Narrated by:
Colin Fluxman
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 19, 2022
1 hour 37 minutes
Dolly Parton is best known for her musical prowess, but there is so much more to her character than people realize. Nowadays, she is the epitome of old Hollywood glamor. She is pretty well known for getting a lot of cosmetic surgery over the years in order to keep up the gaudy, glamorous image we’ve come to know and love. Even through all this she’s still modest. Having received several offers to pose nude for Playboy Magazine, she always turned them down; even though she did pose in a bathing suit one time. Even with her modest and humble nature she is still up for a little fun.

What people may not realize is that her early life was anything but glamorous. She wasn’t always full of glitz like we see her today. In fact, Parton was raised in a poor family in small town Tennessee. Her childhood story is as country as country gets. However, this tough upbringing would not deter her, and she continued to pursue her musical dreams through ups and downs.
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