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Down A Bad Road

Written by:
Regina Buttner
Narrated by:
Jennifer Pickens

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 11, 2023
8 hours 53 minutes
Jealousy can be deadly.

Longtime bachelor Ron Burley has a rule against messing around with married women in his rural upstate New York town, but sassy, lovely Lavender has convinced him to break it. Their steamy affair sets someone off, but it isn't Lavender's clueless husband—it's Marta, Burley's clingy childhood friend and ex-lover.

Marta knows Burley is on the verge of going broke, so she secretly tries to lure him with a lucrative job offer and some enticing fringe benefits. Although he's sorely tempted, Burley's afraid to trust Marta due to the sketchy circumstances surrounding their bitter breakup years ago; but this might be his only chance to get back at her for what she did.

Suspicious of her boyfriend's romantic history, Lavender visits a psychic for a tarot card reading in a creepy cabin in the Adirondack woods. Watch your back, the psychic warns her. Burley and Marta aren't the innocent people they're pretending to be. Someone's out for revenge, and this love triangle could turn deadly.
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Yamini P.

Ron Burley has always thought he would only marry for love and when Lavender enters his life, he is ready to toss aside all rules for her. Their secret romance is like a thorn in the eye of Ron's childhood friend Martha - who had always loved him like a psycho. Martha attempts to lure Ron towards her using her money tactics and his mad love for Lavender. The love triangle soon turns deadly and dirty. While reading the book, you might feel sympathetic towards our protagonists but once the book ends, you feel totally changed. I hate Lavender (not the plant but the character in here). She is cold, calculative and manipulative. She is precisely the kind of person I would never like to cross paths with. What I did enjoy the best was Martha's psycho character. At least one of them was a strong-headed one, the other two were merely acting like they would eat whatever's served up to their plate. Themes: Extra-marital affair, Love triangle, Money and Psychic Genre: #thriller #mystery #psychologicalthriller Rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️

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