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Emotional Intelligence For Leadership: A Practical Guide To Learn How To Improve Your Social Skills And Master Your Emotions, Manage And Influence People And Have Success In Relatinships And Business
Written by:
Mind Change Academy
Narrated by:
Jack Henry Kison
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Release Date
February 19, 2023
4 hours 30 minutes
Do you know what Emotional Intelligence is? Do you want to know how EI affects our life?
Emotional intelligence can easily be understood as the ability of an individual to identify, understand, use and control emotions.
This process is supposed to be done in a calm manner to make it have a positive and effective impact.
A person who has high emotional intelligence has various advantages in the current life.
- He or she is able to have better communication with people
- Resolve conflicts
- Improve his or her relationships
- Reduce anxiety levels in their lives
Having high emotional intelligence helps a person have high empathy levels which are critical in relationships.
A greater part of the global community is heavily affected by the process of decision making. Several people make decisions anchoring them of the current happenings and circumstances. The thought that cloud people during these complicated situations is if the perception that things are beyond the ability to be changed. The impact these thoughts give is an individual’s mind is the limited amount of options and solutions. Therefore, an individual is advised to take time to reflect over these scenarios. Reflecting helps a person to examine what on the issue and come up with the best ways the situation can be handled.
Developing an individual’s emotional intelligence quotient has a greater influence on an individual’s life to success.
There are several ways a person can improve his or her emotional quotient.
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Mind Change Academy
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