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Emotional Intelligence: The Ultimate Guide to Controlling Your Emotions
Written by:
Samirah Eaton
Narrated by:
Carlton Smith
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Release Date
October 29, 2020
2 hours 31 minutes
This is a 3-book bundle, which addresses various subtopics, including but not limited to these:
Book 1: By now, you may have heard about the differences between regular intelligence and emotional intelligence. But what makes a person really emotionally intelligent? And why is it so important to be emotionally intelligent? Those are some of the things we will discuss in this book.
You will learn about simple ways to become more emotionally intelligent, why it is mandatory for most career paths in life, how to master your emotions through neuroscientific tools, and so on.
Book 2: Some people get it all wrong when it comes to understanding the intricate depths of emotional intelligence and all that pertains to it. What are some of the misconceptions people believe in? We will explore that today.
Other topics include the concept of personal intelligence, social media and its negative repercussions, using emotions to build better relationships, and decreasing procrastination by mastering your emotions at a much higher level.
If any of these subjects are your cup of tea, then I invite you to start reading or listening to this book.
Book 3: In this educational guide, we will dive into topics related to the emotional component of intelligence. Many people underestimate the importance of such an element, so here, we will explain why it is so essential.
For example, we will talk about how emotional intelligence boosts creativity and innovation. We will discuss how you can recognize a lack of emotional intelligence in others. Also, we will touch on how it can boost your income, how it relates to anxiety or narcissism, or how it can help you compete.
Many of these topics will be elaborately explained.
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Emotional Intelligence: The Ultim...
Samirah Eaton
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