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Enduring Art, Active Faith: 3 Generations Create!

Enduring Art, Active Faith: 3 Generations Create!

Written by:
Robert G. Proudfoot
Narrated by:
Robert G. Proudfoot
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 21, 2023
0 hours 58 minutes
The audiobook version of 'Enduring Art, Active Faith - 3 Generations Create!' , recorded by Robert G. Proudfoot in April 2023 through Audivita, is an abridged version of the print book by the same name, which was previously published by Robert G. Proudfoot in February 2019 through FriesenPress Inc. The audiobook is comprised of two fictional short stories taken from the print book: 'The Guard', and 'Half and Half', written originally by Robert G. Proudfoot and Norma Proudfoot, respectively.

'The Guard' tells of an unlikely friendship that develops between an expatriate English schoolboy (James Greenburgh) and an African night watchman (Winter Banda), hired to guard the Greenburgh's home in Lusaka, Zambia while James' diplomat father is away in Great Britain, negotiating with Rhodesian and British Governments and black nationalist groups, towards transition to African majority rule for the break-away British colony during the turbulent early 1970s. In 'Half and Half', an aging military veteran re-examines the satisfying life he has gained despite difficulties experienced - even with ongoing poverty, want, and conflict in the world - after he encounters a little boy during the Christmas season in a busy Edmonton shopping mall, who despite so young is coping with disappointments and seeking answers for life's complexities.
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