Every Witch Way But Wolf

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
December 2023
7 hours 32 minutes
Fanged trouble comes to the magical small town of Crimson Cove. Who's getting bitten?

How did the werewolf lose his head?

No, it's not a joke. Crimson Cove is awash with warring werewolves. And I'm not purring. Werewolves mean trouble.

And then there's the continued invasion of non-magicals. Why are they here? How do they keep sneaking in? It's another thing that has my fluffy murder mittens twitching.

When top werewolf negotiator, Emron Laker, loses his head, the trouble bubbles and risks boiling over as werewolves rampage and demand justice, putting my wonderful witch and all the non-magicals at risk.

As reluctant as I am to put my witch in harm's way, we want the werewolves gone, so offer our services as part of our animal control duties to sniff out the killer (well, I'll do the sniffing!)

We find troubled packs, unhappy bonds, and a den of issues to hunt through. Things are about to get frisky. Want to tag along and see what clues we discover?
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Lavender Jade

A wonderful addition to an amazing series. I loved the worldbuilding, the suspenseful story with its many twists, Juno and her awesome friends, the brilliant narration by Emily Durante, and the beautiful cover. Highly recommended.

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