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Faith, Hope, and Shear Love

Faith, Hope, and Shear Love

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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 1, 2020
3 hours 9 minutes
Changing the world one hair cut at a time.People used to tell me, “You’re just a hairstylist.”

I really hate that phrase.

People have been underestimating me my entire life. If I’d believed them, I never would have made it to where I am today. The same thing is probably happening to you.

It’s time to let go of that.

In this book, I will help you shuck off the belief systems of others and find the reason you're here. Your purpose. The driving force behind being you.

Through finding our purpose, we can transform our own lives and the lives of those around us. My purpose has taken me to the darkest, most remote places of the world as I fight for freedom against sexual exploitation, but it still fills me with light every day.

I want the same for you.

With a step-by-step process, and plenty of stories (both hysterical and heart-wrenching) you and I will get to the heart of your purpose. We’ll sculpt a better life for you together.

Because you are made for more.
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