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Fear of Drowning

Written by:
Susan White
Narrated by:
Joni Nehrita

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 6, 2020
6 hours 58 minutes
?Award-winning author, Susan White's new book Fear of Drowning is an epic family saga set against the backdrop of two world wars, earthquakes, epidemics, prejudice, social injustice, greed and ambition. In the summer of 1917 circumstances and societal expectations put in motion a plan which causes a legacy of silence and deceit to filter down through five generations of women. One of the perpetrators of that deception, Lillianne McDonough is reaching the end of her life and feels compelled to lift the dark shadows from the past. Gradually secrets and lies are revealed, forgiveness and atonement are sought after and a sense of hope and freedom is passed to the next generation.
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