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Fight Anorexia

Fight Anorexia

Written by:
Dr. Janet Hall
Narrated by:
Dr. Janet Hall
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 1, 2012
0 hours 23 minutes
Do you or someone you love want to be free of anorexia? Is this currently you or someone you love?

You are concerned and preoccupied with your weight and body shape
You worry constantly about gaining weight and getting fat
You are significantly underweight
You are under constant scrutiny by those who love you because they fear for your health or even your life
Hypnotherapy can help You! Dr. Jan's Fight Anorexia with Hypnosis is the result of over 32 years helping clients with eating disorders!

The goal is that you will begin to overcome anorexia and begin to learn to eat the way a lean, happy and healthy person eats. Hypnotherapy can help with anorexia nervosa by helping you change the automatic thought patterns that have created such a destructive cycle in your life. Hypnotherapy works with your unconscious mind to help you associate confident, happy times of your life with the situations that would otherwise trigger anorexic behaviour. Dr Jan's hypnosis recording of Fight Anorexia with Hypnosis will give you the help you need to turn your life around.

Dr Janet Hall is a clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, author, speaker, and media consultant. Dr Jan authored eight books on family and relationships and recorded over 50 audio-recordings, many of them including hypnotic material. She founded Richmond Hill Psychology in Melbourne, Australia.
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