First Time Dad: The Ultimate Guide for New Dads about Pregnancy Preparation and Childbirth - Advice, Facts, Tips, and Stories for First Time Fathers!

Written by:
Lyon Tyler
Narrated by:
Lyon Tyler

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 2022
2 hours 1 minute
Be Prepared for Pregnancy and Childbirth With This Survival Guide for Dads-to-Be!
>>Are you an anxious dad-to-be who has absolutely no idea what to expect over the next 9 months of your partner's pregnancy?
Do not worry, we are here for you!
You are about to become a father and you want to be prepared for what's to come. You also want to support your partner through everything. Raising a baby comes with a lot of surprises. The truth is, most parents just rush it. But expecting your first child is a well-researched terrain for which there are many successful tips and strategies.
So how do you prepare for the big day?
Start with 'First Time Dad' by Lyon Tyler. This exciting audiobook is the new dad's guide to surviving pregnancy and childbirth.
Thanks to this informative audiobook, you will:
- Avoid unpleasant surprises and make the initial preparations, from finances to child-proofing your home
- Get a complete overview of every stage of your partner's pregnancy, from the first trimester to the last trimester
- Anticipate everything that could go wrong with your partner's pregnancy so you can prepare for it like a boss
- Dive deep into the details of your partner's labor, including birth methods and the birth itself
- Become the best partner ever and take care of your baby like a pro when you get home from the hospital
And much more!
Becoming a dad for the first time can seem daunting. You can surely expect some sleepless nights and smelly diapers, but with the proven tips, strategies and insights from 'First Time Dad', you can make it easier for yourself and for your partner!
Be The Best Dad Ever, Get This Audiobook NOW, and Start Listening!
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Daniel G.

The author’s obvious comprehension of the topic and experince makes his information more credible and reliable. His ability to address facts and possible problems of pregnancy admixed with tongue-in-cheek humor makes reading his sound advice accessible and entertaining. Reading this book is a pleasure – even for those fathers whose children are now older – as it brings a fresh approach to the concept of parenting and the impact of raising children. Recommended.

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Maurice T.

Great audiobook for first time dads!

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Orlando K.

In First-Time Dad, LyonTyler shared personal insight to first time dads about the joys and challenges that are ahead of them in parenting. Like most parents, they were thrilled after they found out they had a positive pregnancy test especially after two years of trying to conceive. He began the book providing examples of dads expectations and what they are truly afraid of. This is critical and must be discussed with your spouse especially if there is “baggage” from your childhood. There is a helpful chapter in the book to assist readers in dealing with the hurtful past wounds where it won’t be repeated in the future! The book also discussed the importance of loving your wife and staying connected and in love when little ones join the picture. The book covers all you need to know about becoming a dad…no fluff, no boring pages…Only the essential things you really need!

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Eric W.

I must be honest: at the time of reading this content, my son is just over three months old, so I am still in my relative infancy (pun intended) of fatherhood. However I find this manual for new fathers to be helpful to other guys as they prepare for the nine months of pregnancy and the first few months following delivery, which is sometimes referred to as the fourth trimester. Luckily for me my wife is a pediatrician, so she was able to give me more of a heads up than some other dudes out there…’ Still, this book surprised me with some tips and for its incredible sincerity.

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Jody G.

‘The most special experience of my life so far’...Author Lyon Tyler has first hand experience of proffering this guidebook for new ‘expectant fathers.’ In a gentle humorous fashion he introduces himself to the reader: ‘Regardless of whether you conceived via the old-fashioned way, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, or any other way, I feel that I have some insight to offer to other dads as they begin their journey to fatherhood.

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Jody G.

I would recommend this astonishing book on parenting to every new dad whether you are expecting a baby or already have a few children. Moms are also welcomed to read this book as well but it’s more geared towards men. I appreciated how direct Lyyon Tyler was in sharing with dads how a baby is going to affect their whole entire world and there will be days of triumph and days of feeling like you failed as a dad. And this is something every parent goes through. I liked how he shared how a baby will affect your marriage in many ways and it will take some adjusting to.

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Charles O.

Read the book together with my wife. We laughed at some real events happened also to us and highlighted the areas she told me are important for me to know. Later on I bought another one for my cousin when his wife got pregnant.

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Wayne O.

A complete yet easy guide - that pretty much offers exactly what it says on the cover with a small background story running behind it. The author offers up a complete set of tips and advice based on the experience that he lived personally. A great way to pass from zero to hero when it comes to becoming a parent.

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Dean S.

I'm writing this at week 22, and I feel phenomenally empowered with knowledge to help me continue preparing to be a first time father. This is an insightful and easy to read "book", I am grateful to have read it and encourage you to do the same. I believe the information is accurate and sincere. Lyon’s writing style is “friendly”... Honestly, a terrific book for first time dads.

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