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Glad to Be Human: Adventures in Optimism

Glad to Be Human: Adventures in Optimism

Written by:
Irene O'garden
Narrated by:
Callie Beaulieu
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 3, 2021
4 hours 8 minutes
Celebrate Life Just Because

In a world so often filled with distressing news and bewildering violence, being “human” often gets a bad rap. Rejoice in everyday reasons to smile, think positively, and enjoy the gift of life.

Take a walk on the bright side. In Glad To Be Human: Adventures in Optimism, award-winning writer Irene O’Garden reminds us of the radiance of human existence. From kitchens to gardens to busy city streets, all around, in your everyday life, you can find plenty of reasons to feel gratitude and hope, peace and joy.

It’s the little things. In this collection of essays, O’Garden explores a wide range of practical reasons to celebrate life—just look closely around you. In one essay, she describes the simple pleasure that comes from clearing clutter off a desk—in another, the thrill of visiting the Statue of Liberty. The book’s grand finale is the Pushcart Prize-winning essay, “Glad To Be Human.”

One simple message. Through contemplation, meditation and with literary style, Glad To Be Human invites readers to view life through a positive lens. From small, daily activities to journeys overseas, O’Garden has a knack for finding beauty and meaning in all life’s adventures—even in our deepest pain and suffering—helping all of us feel glad to be human.

If you enjoy Anne Morrow Lindbergh and Anne Lamott, or books like Risking the Rapids, The Book of Joy, The Book of Delights, and The Gratitude Diaries, you’ll love O’Garden’s Glad to Be Human.

Foreword by Christine Carlson.
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