The Grace-Filled Homestead: Lessons I've Learned about Faith, Family, and the Farm

Written by:
Lana Stenner
Narrated by:
Lana Stenner

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 2022
3 hours 34 minutes
For nearly two decades, Lana Stenner and her family have been living their version of the simple life on their small Midwest farmstead—following God, chasing goats, and tending gardens. Join Lana as she shares heartwarming stories, hearty recipes, and some of the valuable lessons she’s learned in her homesteading journey, including the following: -Chase your dreams over, under, or through that fence. Persevere. -Intentional living brings joy. Laser focus on what’s important. -Hard work is holy work. No job is beneath you. Though you may not be ready to pack up and move into a 120-year-old farmhouse like Lana, you can experience more grace and authenticity right where you are when you learn to seek beauty in your surroundings, cultivate bonds with those you love, and work hand in hand with God.
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