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GROW 2 Management: Lead, follow or get out of the way

GROW 2 Management: Lead, follow or get out of the way

Written by:
Antony Whitaker
Narrated by:
Antony Whitaker
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 1, 2016
3 hours 59 minutes
Lead follow or get out of the way. Successful salon businesses don't just happen! They’re the result of a clear business vision, effective business management systems, people management systems and self management systems. If you really want to succeed start by understanding that you haven’t opened a salon, you have opened a business that happens to do hair. Begin by getting organised and developing the success systems needed.

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Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Reality check...
LESSON 1: You probably opened a business for the wrong reasons
LESSON 2: Running a business requires a very different set of skills...
LESSON 3: There is only one of you, so get it out of your head!
LESSON 4: Re-evaluate... regularly
LESSON 5: What does change mean to you?
LESSON 6: Set it up ‘right’ at the start
LESSON 7: What is a manager? What do they do?

Chapter 2: Creating the vision...
LESSON 8: Vision, Mission and Values...
LESSON 9: What is vision and where do you get it?
LESSON 10: The vision comes before the plan
LESSON 11: “Not all of my team like the vision I have for the business”
LESSON 12: The vision is the ‘what’. The mission is the ‘how’.
LESSON 13: What is a leader, and what do they do?

Chapter 3: Business management systems
LESSON 14: Activity ≠ Productivity
LESSON 15: Clearly define roles, goals and responsibilities.
LESSON 16: You need an organisation chart
LESSON 17: Defining and naming positions
LESSON 18: The importance of clear job descriptions
LESSON 19: The solutions to most problems are system and training solutions
LESSON 20: Hard, soft or information systems?
LESSON 21: The need to develop Business Management Systems
LESSON 22: If your business is not system dependent... it’s dependent on you.
LESSON 23: “But I don’t want to expand”...
LESSON 24: “This is how we do it here.”
LESSON 25: Your business is only truly successful when it...
LESSON 26: Systems manuals are never finished...
LESSON 27: Managing your work space

Chapter 4: People Management
LESSON 28: And you thought that ‘they’ were the problem
LESSON 29: Don’t be afraid to be in charge
LESSON 30: People can manage themselves..
LESSON 31: Who’s working for whom...
LESSON 32: The essence of good management is ‘human sensitivity’
LESSON 33: Catch people doing something right and tell them!
LESSON 34: Crystal clear and consistent from day 1
LESSON 35: Induction day, get it right from the beginning…
LESSON 36: There must be a consequence...
LESSON 37: Change your people... or change your people
LESSON 38: Be consistent with the line in the sand

Chapter 5: Managing yourself
LESSON 39: Managing yourself! Are you kidding?
LESSON 40: “Do as I say... not as I do”. Sorry, that’s never going to work.
LESSON 41: Get organised
LESSON 42: When you make a mistake, correct it quickly and move on
LESSON 43: Meetings can be a complete waste of time... on the other hand
LESSON 44: The first step to managing your time is...
LESSON 45: Time management tips
LESSON 46: Learn how to delegate, then delegate, delegate, delegate
LESSON 47: All men are equal... some are just more equal than others
LESSON 48: Know how to lighten up
LESSON 49: “Pick your self up, dust yourself off and get back in there...”
LESSON 50: What am I meant to learn from this?
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