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GROW 3 Team: Have you got what it takes to be part of a great team?

GROW 3 Team: Have you got what it takes to be part of a great team?

Written by:
Antony Whitaker
Narrated by:
Antony Whitaker
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 1, 2016
2 hours 58 minutes
Success as a salon owner ultimately depends on the owners ability to recruit, nurture and build a team. The salon business is a people business. GROW 3 TEAM is a handbook for salon owners and managers of what it takes to create and maintain the team culture needed. Any charts used in this book are downloadable from Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Your team needs a visionary leader
First, you need to lead and they will follow...
Leadership and vision go hand in hand
If your vision doesn’t inspire you, it’s not going to inspire anyone else either.
It is essential that everyone on the team understand the vision for the business
No single person can make the team be a team...
Turning the vision into a reality...
Chapter 2: Who is on your team?
We all need to belong...
What is a team, and why do you need to be part of it?
You just read your job description…
Roles, goals and responsibilities...
Everyone matters!
You’re not alone…
Business’s that are aligned get where they want faster…
Attitude is more important than skill...
Every team needs a coach
Are you coachable?
Staffroom terrorists: inspire them or fire them
You get the team that you plan for...
Chapter 3: Creating your team culture
Define the ‘team culture’ or it will define itself
The culture of teams…
What is important to you and the rest of your team? What are your values?
Teams need an agreed code of conduct...
What destroys a team culture?
What are some tangible things to do that will create a positive team culture?
If you talk ‘team’ must reward the ‘team’
Passion: the noble emotion
How do we manifest ‘passion’, not just within ourselves but others?
The passionate leader Chapter 4: Training: building a culture of excellence
Training, learning, upskilling, practice…
Training needs to be a system
Induction training system
Delivering ‘the experience’ training system
Product knowledge training system
Health and safety training system
Technical and creative training system
Personal development training system
Management and leadership training system
Training, final thoughts
Chapter 5: Communication
You cannot, not communicate
What makes the team relationship work?
When a relationship isn’t working you have two choices...
Real commitment is needed for great relationships...
Proactive problem solving
Dealing with conflict
The need for tolerance
Sorry about that Team, I stuffed up!
Meetings are a chance to really connect
Feedback ...don’t assume it’s negative
What you see is what you get...
Chapter 6: Maintaining your team
The life cycle of the team...
Team retention
How well do you address ‘the six essential human needs’?
Make change positive!
Win: Win
As the business has goals, so should the individual...
Getting people to be at their best...
Practical ways to reward, give recognition and acknowledgment...
Developing leadership in others…
Leadership problems
Stay connected
Drinkin’ and druggin’ Now for the grey areas…
Know when it’s time to cut them loose...
Have fun
Celebrate. Celebrate. Celebrate.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Never stop learning and growing…
Know when it’s time to go
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