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How to be LOVED: from dating to mating

How to be LOVED: from dating to mating

Written by:
Roy Sheppard
Narrated by:
Roy Sheppard
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 4, 2023
6 hours 8 minutes
Personal development for single women and men.

In today’s online dating world everyone is now only a click away from being the “ex” in the word “n-ex-t”.

Why would anyone choose to stop their own search for 'The One' once they’ve met you?

This audiobook helps you develop a stronger 'Emotional Core' helping you become emotionally stronger, leading to higher levels of emotional literacy, self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence.

Married, single or in a relationship, learn how to improve your Emotional Fitness by strengthening your Emotional Core: the four qualities that provide you with the emotional stability, depth and strength to make you as irresistible to a partner as they are to you.

Insightful, stimulating and inspiring. Narrated by the author and former BBC news anchor Roy Sheppard.
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