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How To Win Friends And Influence People

Written by:
Dale Carnegie

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 1, 1998
7 hours 18 minutes
Updated for today’s readers, Dale Carnegie’s timeless bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People is a classic that has improved and transformed the professional and personal and lives of millions.

One of the best-known motivational guides in history, Dale Carnegie’s groundbreaking book has sold tens of millions of copies, been translated into almost every known language, and has helped countless people succeed.

Originally published during the depths of the Great Depression—and equally valuable during booming economies or hard times—Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their professional and personal lives.

How to Win Friends and Influence People teaches you:

-How to communicate effectively
-How to make people like you
-How to increase your ability to get things done
-How to get others to see your side
-How to become a more effective leader
-How to successfully navigate almost any social situation
-And so much more!

Achieve your maximum potential with this updated version of a classic—a must-read for the 21st century.
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Christopher Crews

Definitely an older book but the principles still ring true. The author points out that the tips in this book are not so much a scheme as they are foundations of approaching life differently than most. I recommend this book for anyone of any age.

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Kristopher H.

Very easy to listen to. Andrew Macmillian ( Book Narrator) talks in just the right speed and tone of voice that doesn't make you feel bored. Some audiobooks feel like a slow, dragged out, modern college professor just rambling on because he is being paid to vibrate his voicebox. But you feel like this audiobook is being read to you because the narrator really wants to teach you something in this book to help your life improve. The points made in this book are so on point with how the human mind wants to be. Great info and a pleasure to listen to.

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Kurt S

Absolutely loved this book. I have had a audio copy in my iTunes for twenty years. The short chapters play randomly like songs. ❤️

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Jenna C.

Many of these points still hold true today. This book is a classic, and I’m glad I finally listened to it.

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Paulette T.

A timeless classic. Common sense that isnt always common. I read it years ago and actually have a print copy published in 1938 that belonged to my parents. I am happy that I got a chance to have it read to me this time!

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Suzanne M.

Awesome. Listened twice tho i dont really believe people will fall all over themselves if u listen to them, are interested… most people just want some form of power or to hold onto the backshirts of power,prestige.

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Damn. I’m 23 and I wish my parents knew how to read this book.

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I have listened to this book multiple times and will continue to listen.

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Amber S.

I really liked this book. It gave me a great deal of insight into my personal and professional relationships.

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Lookz N

This is a very useful App. If you are on the road for business you can enjoy your favorite book or a classical read in the most highest definiton of audio. I enjoy thins App.

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Sam M

A must read for everyone. It improves your personal relationships and the way you address people

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Barbara F

Impressive reading skills.

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Austin Clark

Good book. Hard to do in real life! But when I follow the steps found within the book people do respond positively.

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its actually fantastic and helpful

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I think everyone should read this book

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Very solid principles to be worked into your daily life again and again. A common sense view of relating to people and one that we need to get back to. I can think of many instances in my daily life where I will use these principles.

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It's a nice encouraging book

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It was nice .

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Zechariah S.

It was really cool

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Kimberly M.

Coleborne's audiobook is a punch of practicality. I listened, I learned, I applied – and saw immediate results in my Shopify store's growth. It's a short investment with long-term gains.

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A classic book. For anyone who has an interest in having good relationships. It’s amazing how an 80 plus year old book, is still relevant in our times.

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Wonderful insights .

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It is a great insight into better understanding people and yourself. The title opens up alternative concepts to approaching people on issues in what I would call an respectful, non hostile manner.

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Charley H.

This book kept me entertained the whole way through. Many times I had to pause and think about what was said and say “ah, I see how that would work!” Definitely a good read! Parents really should read this! I know it’s not typically a book for “parenting” but I just lost my daughter to suicide, and so many points in here were so heartbreaking to me! Had I read this just a couple months sooner, maybe I would still have my baby girl! That being said, parents need to read this! This book amazing!

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Yifei Z.

Voice is good. Book is famtastic

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What a wonderful collection of common sense wisdom about how to deal with friends, family, and work associates! Plus, the narrator is easy to understand, pleasant to listen to, and effectively uses a dramatic voice to set interchanges between people apart from the regular narrative of the book. This is such a valuable book that it’s worth listening to twice!

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Thomas M.

The first hour is tuff, you have to tune in and I am really not much of a fan of the narrator. In my opinion his words “melt” to much together due to the lag of shifts in tone and pressure. BUT, this book is exactly what the title says. It is so well made that I am certain people in the 2500 century still will be able to learn something from it. Definetly worth a listen but reading it by yourself would probably benefit you a lot.

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Therese P.

Very good advice for what the world needs now

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Linda R.

Great book for businesses and everyday life!! Loved the book 10++++++!

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Fabiola N D.

Good book. Like the tips on how to deal with all kinds of people

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Roxanne R.

Great book

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Amazing book. I read it twice in a year.

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Roxanne R.

This was an excellent book on human relations, and one the best books I've listened to thus far! It is filled with good advice on dealing with people effectively and with many interesting and useful examples. Although it is an older book, the information is highly relevant to the 21st century. "Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise!" This was one of the recurring sentences proposed in dealing with people - a sensible approach when one considers basic human feelings, and an approach that will yield results. I highly recommend this read for anybody who desires to grow in dealing with people.

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David H.

I love this book, It changed my life after I adopted its principles.

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Hayley M.

Helpful for a new employee

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Lucille B.

Great book

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DeVanie J.

Great book the reason I joined audiobooks was to own this book

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Larry L.

great book on relationships

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Judith A.

Great book, I can definitely see myself applying some of the tips to work and my personal life. I plan to reread it and use it for reference in the future.

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I thought a lot of this was common sense, but it was an interesting listen with some very good information.

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Alma C.

Excellent book

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Vanessa P.

Really really boring .... maybe it was the reader’s voice but couldn’t finish it...

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Ariana P.

I Love this book!! It is a great compliment to the Holy Bible which is my primary personal guidebook for life. Dale's God-given wisdom is timeless & still applies to human relationships in our modern society. I especially liked the audio narration, it wasn't robotic at all & it was quite soothing.

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Jan P.

This knowledge will never go out of date. A must read / listen!

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David F.

Timeless lessons and insights into being happy, positive, and grateful for living and working with others. This one is on my read and re-read list of classics. I want so much to internalize these methods for appreciating others. Thank you Mr. Carnegie.

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Kenneth T.

Always a book that never goes away and keeps on coming back. Even though it’s all common sense it’s always a great reminder in a pragmatic way

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Dale Carnegie in a nutshell: 1. Listen, don’t talk. 2. It’s about them, not you. 3. Meet people’s needs, don’t push an agenda. 4. Market to people’s needs, ditch the schpiel.

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Lauren E

Excellent book on how to improve my personality. It’s definitely worth reading and what I needed to here so I can make a greater positive inspect in the life of my family, friends, and colleagues.

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Reginald S

I honestly feel like many of the lessons taught in this book are lessons many adults should already know. This book is about basic communication skills.

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Nicole M

Loved this! Really good, helpful, insightful points.

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Andy G

This book is really straight forward! I felt like my great grandfather was talking to me and giving me time less advice. Times have changed and I think people have moved away from this type of thinking. This is very old school business advice and it was refreshing to hear this kind of point of view.

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Sebastian B

It's been around 80 years since the first edition of this book was published, yet it rings as true now as it did back then. A timeless piece on applied psychology put in simple terms with great examples and even better set of essential rules which sum up the whole book. Moreover this particular audiobook is read with a memorable voice, which always matches the idea behind the words. I recommend it a thousand times, to the point where I've bought ten physical copies of the book and started giving it away to my friends.

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Renee H

I enjoyed the narration and the book flowed very nicely.

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ethan bohlmab

Good book but drags some.

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erik reed

Timeless advice. Worth listening to a few times as you tweak your behavior for success.

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Steve Kleeman

A must read for any level of leader. Even though this was written several years ago, every principal applies today.

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John Collins


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Rusty Gentry

A wonderful and timeless book. The information will truly change your whole outlook when dealing with people.

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Anderson Salgado

Best book after the Bible. This book will not only change your life but it will make you realize how much it as changed it. It is simply amazing.

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Alexandre Oliveira

It is a life changing book! I just regret that I didn't read earlier in my life.

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Sarah Ozog

A must read for anyone who wants to influence positive change.

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Himanshu Bhutani

Excellent book and great narration. The principles described in this book are timeless and applicable to one's personal and professional lives. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone.

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Jez Goldstone

If you have good manners and treat people with respect, this book can't teach you anything. It's completely out dated - IMHO

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Colette Timberlake

I want to be honest, if more people followed the 9 princlples in this book the world would be a better place. Dale Carnegie, emphasises how a smile and kindness can get you results. And you know something it works. I have been smiling and making ginuine compliments to people all over from the people at the drive through to people in stores, and it reflects and people are drawn to me and my family. I am associated with kindness, I bright up the room. I really am winning friends and driving people to see my point of view by giving them the attention and praise.

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