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If Hooks Could Kill

Written by:
Betty Hechtman
Narrated by:
Margaret Strom

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
June 21, 2022
10 hours 8 minutes
When a television crew descends on Tarzana, Molly Pink and the rest of her crochet group, the Tarzana Hookers, put up with the inconvenience as best they can—until the residence of one of their own becomes a real-life crime scene . . .

The television crime show L.A. 911 has taken over Tarzana, making cinematic backdrops out of the town's most mundane locations, including the yard of Kelly Donahue, the newest member of the Tarzana Hookers.

And at the end of the day, the TV shoot isn't all that's wrapped. It seems someone silenced Kelly—permanently—and no one heard a thing. Without any leads, Molly and her pals must stitch together the clues to catch the killer—before someone else dials 911.
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Kimberly T.

I am Addicted to the Molly Pink stories!!! XOXOX!

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