Unabridged Audiobook
Comprehensive analysis of habits/thinking leading to bad social skills in plain English very effectively. Based on sharp and accurate observations, not simply in reliance on theories
I am not done listening this one yet, but it already looks like it will be a source of reference for years to come. I look forward to reading the other books in this series.
This book is like a mirror, I now can see why I was bad at people skills and be able to identify the problems within me. I applied some of the principles and techniques and it helped! I highly recommend this book to those struggling with people!
I like for two reasons. First I remember how explained the different sides of a situation. And second you described me as the negative side not always in my life, bit you brought light to myself how I've become these past few years
I really did learn a lot! I always thought of myself as someone with good people skills, but I discovered some of my weaknesses. There were moments that I was aghast at what I had been doing. I know I will be reviewing some of my highlighted sections often! So... This book accomplished it's goal
This book has a few truly magnificent information. This may be a astonishing book
Book contains all needed guides to present these guides as a perfect impact learning measure to all beginners.
If you study and practice the time tested and proven techniques of this book, you are guaranteed to live a healthier and more successful life.
It is an excellent resource that covers a range of topics in detail to help guide you through the obstacles you must overcome to achieve success and fulfillment.