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It's Your Call: What Are You Doing Here?

Written by:
Gary Barkalow
Narrated by:
Gary Barkalow

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 1, 2010
5 hours 11 minutes
Few spiritual concepts have fascinated and confused people more than understanding God’s calling for their life. Is it primarily about a job or a role? Is it precise or general? Is a calling only reserved for those who work in professional ministry? The truth is actually amazingly profound: What we are supposed to do is what we most want to do. This is a guide for discovering God’s design and destiny for your life. Drawing from over 20 years of experience in ministry, Gary Barkalow shares how you can: live alert and oriented to the voice and choreography of God, discover and interpret the voice of your own story,  discern the strategic assault against your calling, and recognize God’s intentional training in your life’s journey. Most of all, you’ll be inspired to let the glory of your life touch the world around you.
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Craig T.

I read through the book using a free credit on I was pleasantly familiar with Mr. Barkalow as I had heard him speak via audio download on Ransomed Heart Ministries in the past. So, for me, I knew in advance that he would be a credible source in following Jesus, but the power of this book goes way beyond anything he could orchestrate by himself. Gary is definitely in his glory helping others find their calling while helping to reach deep into the mystery God has laid out for us as an invitation to know Him more. In turn to be able to see who we are made to be is quite the profound experience and yet exactly how God designed intimacy with him. This type of intimacy only illudes us because we are focused on other things that seem more natural. This book does more than just describe Gary's experience with the Lord (although his testimony is weighty). I would say that if you truly want to know your calling in life, then this book will lead you to inviting Jesus closer so that HE (THE LORD) can show you. This book is not going to puff up your pride, but rather lead you to experience more of God than you ever thought possible. If you desire your calling then READ THIS BOOK. Multiple times if you have to, God has truly anointed this work.

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