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Written by:
Laurence Haynes
Narrated by:
Joseph Mack
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
June 30, 2023
0 hours 17 minutes
Author L.M. Haynes has created a children's book with a deep moral fabric in his book titled Legacies, which makes readers ponder the topic of what will be left to others after one dies. Just what would be your legacy left to others? He brings out the values needed to prepare for death by living your life in truth, tradition, unconditional love, and most importantly, having an unyielding faith in God

Surely money is a part of a legacy, and it is pointed out leaving a deed for a home, or stocks and bonds, or any valuables to your surviving family is one common and key aspect. However, by using the narration of Father Ed within the book, the readers are shown that a personal hand-written letter to children, for example, with instructions 'Not to be opened until after my death,' can be a very profound way to implant a legacy of love, admiration, and proudness to children. He calls those 'Letters of Love.'

L.M. Haynes is prolific in his authoring many books; providing artfully detailed illustrations, and now with Legacies, it will certainly become a milestone in his loving legacy to his family, children, grandchildren, and those who follow in future generations. This is certainly an important addition to all family libraries with children.
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