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Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 50
Part of Lost Sci-Fi
Written by:
Philip K. Dick
Alfred Coppel
Darius John Granger
Richard S. Shaver
Rog Phillips
Winston Marks
Ray Bradbury
Narrated by:
Scott Miller
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Release Date
May 17, 2022
6 hours 13 minutes
Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 50 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s
- Foster, You're Dead by Philip K. Dick - Almost everyone had a bomb shelter. You needed the latest model because the Russians were always developing new weapons that could penetrate the old bomb shelters
- Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel - Every risk had been closely considered. Ron Carnavon was ready to loot the wrecked spaceship of its sapphire treasure.
- Asleep In Armageddon by Ray Bradbury - Avoid Planetoid 787. Lush and sunny with fine air it’ll tempt you to curve in for some nice solid-ground sleep. DON’T!
- The Old Martians by Rog Phillips - They opened the ruins to tourists at a dollar a head but they reckoned without The OLD MARTIANS
- Stop, You're Killing Me! by Darius John Granger - As a private eye I get a lot of screwballcases but nothing to match my own; my wife and kid trying to kill me—and neither aware of it!
- Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick - There are pushy salesmen and then there are PUSHY salesmen…
- Morgue Ship by Ray Bradbury - This was Burnett’s last trip. Three more shelves to fill with space-slain warriors—and he would be among the living again.
- Defense Mech by Ray Bradbury - How’d you get in a mess like this in a rocket a million miles past the moon shooting for Mars and maybe death?
- Paradise Planet by Richard S. Shaver - It was a nice little world; everything about it reminded Steve of Earth—except for the people.
- Forsyte's Retreat by Winston Marks - Forsyte had his trouble with the bottle, but nothing out of a bottle ever produced such a hotel as the Mahoney-Plaza: only 260 rooms but accommodating 5200 guests!
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Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 50...
Philip K. Dick
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