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MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES: Influencing People with Mind Control , Persuasion and dark psychology

MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES: Influencing People with Mind Control , Persuasion and dark psychology

Written by:
Michael Crawford
Narrated by:
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 5, 2020
10 hours 48 minutes

Do you believe people's brainwashing occurs only in films? Do you believe using the subconscious mind is something that only crazy people would attempt to do?

The reality is that we are imperfect as human beings. We have shortcomings. And if you study these weaknesses and get to understand them, you will have enormous authority in your hands. When you master the correct methods of manipulation, the real ones, you can fully affect the thinking of other people and make them do what you want.

This book can be your guide to manipulation in all its aspects–from the very basics to the techniques you can use to manipulate others, such as persuasion, mind control, and NLP, to the tactics used by malicious manipulators on innocent people to hurt and take advantage of them, as well as how to combat them. At your fingertips, it's all in here.

In this book you’ll learn:

- Using Blame Or Guilt To Influence Others
- Proven NLP Manipulation Techniques
- How To Make Other Do What You Want Using Unreasonable Requests
- Tips And Trick To Make You Own Manipulation Techniques
- How To Master Body Language To Influence People
- What leads people to manipulate others
- Neuro Linguistic Programming and its role in manipulation
- Powerful Techniques To Manipulate, Persuade And Influence Anyone
- How To Use Stories To Influence And Persuade Others

And Much, Much More      

Do not hesitate to inform yourself about what manipulation involves and how you, yourself, can take advantage of it.

In one manner or another, we have all experienced manipulation in our life, so it's time to learn how to define it and what to do when faced with a manipulative individual.

Open your eyes and take control of your live!
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Elizabeth 2.

I enjoyed the book. The author speaks plainly and doesn't throw in a bunch of unnecessary filler. Its a good read if your looking for self improvement.

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Roseline R.

Perfect book in right time. I just need one such book to learn how to control my negative thoughts. I actually didn't know about manipulating self thoughts before

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Phillip L.

In this book has lots of interesting information about manipulation techniques, hypnosis, body language and mind control. I learned a lot by reading this book. Highly recommended to all!!

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Toney L.

This book was informational on understanding manipulators so then I can not be manipulated by manipulators! Loved the methods to analyze body language, very helpful to use every day.

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This book explains how to protect yourself against from the manipulation of those practicing dark psychology (like maintain eye contact, don't let the person touch you, etc.) I like that the book closes with debunking several myths about dark psychology. Most of them were myths I had believed to be true, so I found that inciteful.

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Dr A.

Manipulation breaks down the various styles of manipulating, both when negative and positive motives are behind the change of desired behavior.

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Renaissance R.

Manipulation often has a negative connotation. Yet, when we are trying to improve ourselves, we are manipulating past behavior to improved behavior. Often we fear more of what we will loose with the change, than we focus on what we will achieve.

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Gambler J.

Reflective thought provides insight into ones own motives to ensure the path that is being traveled upon in the mind, will produce the long-term results we desire to improve our relationships, skills, and self-discipline

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Parsha R.

This book gives one an opportunity to reflect on how we've been manipulated and how we manipulate ourselves and others.

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Stanley R.

I enjoyed the book. The author speaks plainly and doesn't throw in a bunch of unnecessary filler. Its a good read if your looking for self improvement.

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Starling J.

Perfect book in right time. I just need one such book to learn how to control my negative thoughts. I actually didn't know about manipulating self thoughts before

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