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A Mediums Dream

A Mediums Dream

Written by:
Brian Monahan
Narrated by:
Digital Voice Marcus G
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 6, 2023
8 hours 4 minutes
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

                                                                                 Working Healers of all kinds will love this book. A how-to for all experimental Spiritual Paths and occupations.

I have now stopped working as a Psychic and as a Psychic Medium. I am in the process of ridding myself and others of the energy draining aspects of this work. Clairvoyance especially, is guilty of draining the physical body and causes cancer among other illnesses when used over long periods of time.

Even though the years of experience many of us have had with our chosen profession.

The signs are very clear now, during this obvious yet subtle Apocalypse. Were being punished and rewarded for our lives and our sacrifices. Given clear humming noises messages to quit the Psychic World and prepare for the afterlife of higher Angelic, non-Magical truth. So, weather you’re a working Psychic or just someone who used to practice on some level. All of my books on how to survive ads a Psychic Medium now begin with this forward. They have to.

Make no bones about it. I’m now studying Exorcism with professionals. They’re very strict about Psychic stuff. They have to be to get results. I now also have to be very strict myself. I guarantee you that you will be at some stage of your life. Don’t worry about the future quite so much, its all smoke and mirrors anyway, you’re a fool if you think otherwise. Enjoy what’s left of your career in the meantime. Absolutely. In Jesus mighty name! Not religious, just very, very spiritual. Whisper down the wind.
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