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Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm

Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm

Written by:
Lana H Allen
Narrated by:
Lana H Allen
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 22, 2019
2 hours 46 minutes
You can be peaceful and calm even when life is messy and complicated.

Start your journey to inner peace and tranquility with this book. Discover how being mindful can help you reduce stress and anxiety, manage challenges, and stay calm. Learn how to live in the present moment and pay attention with nonjudgmental curiosity.

Mindfulness is a gift you can use to improve your life and your relationships. Experience profound spirituality, enhance your prayer life, and develop a deeper relationship with God in each moment. Incorporate mindfulness into your daily living and become calmer, happier, and healthier.

With this book, you will discover: 

- How to be present, aware, and focused to achieve clarity in life
- Proven strategies to reduce stress and cultivate feelings of joy and happiness
- How to take mindful action and stop feeling overwhelmed
- Simple steps to overcome fear and worry
- The power you have in the present moment to experience pleasure

In the chapter, 'The Path to Joy (Celebrate Life)', you'll learn how to master your attitude, experience everyday blessings, and use mindfulness to get the most out of each moment.

Bonus: Feel good now as you have fun doing the exercises at the end of each chapter.

Don't miss this opportunity to reclaim your life and find inner peace. Use the tips in this book to live a simpler, more joyful life now.
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