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The Minimalist Lifestyle - How to Get More Out of Your Life With Less Stuff

The Minimalist Lifestyle - How to Get More Out of Your Life With Less Stuff

Written by:
Empowered Living
Narrated by:
Empowered Living
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 1, 2019
0 hours 27 minutes
What is a minimalist lifestyle?

There’s a simple answer and a complicated answer. The simple answer: it means having less stuff, doing less and generally ‘getting back to basics’.

The complicated answer?

It ultimately comes down to a change in your mindset. It comes down an understanding that you can get fulfilment and happiness by having less going on rather than more – and that living more simply is not only better for your mental health but also better for your finances, your family, your health and the environment!

Don’t believe me? Get too much enjoyment out of those new suits and fancy gadgets? Then read on and we’ll discover why less really is more.

Newsflash: You Have Been Duped

It’s not just you. It’s all of us. We are all being manipulated by our politics and by big companies that want to get more money from us. This is what keeps the economy ticking over and what keeps certain people wealthy and it all comes down to our strange desire to have more.

This video course has been converted into an audio course that you can listen to any time, and will share many secrets to helping you get an incredible home with less in it and to adopt a gratitude attitude that will help you really appreciate the things you already own.
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