Unabridged Audiobook
I like how the book gives strategies to leave a narcissistic relationship safely and also how to assertive one's self, most discussions about this topic generally just discuss the woman fleeing. I recommend this book for anyone that has dealt or is currently dealing with a narcissistic relationship.
I gave this book to my wife, a staunch feminist. She had a lot of fun reading this book, sometimes romantic, sometimes strong but optimistic. An easy to follow reading. You understand by reading that it is written from the point of view of those who have lived the experience, not just theoretical.
The book takes you on the journey of a dysfunctional relationship start to finish. You get the full experience from before you meet "this guy" to falling in love with him and what happens when you're together to the end, past the break-up, and into freedom - emotional and physical
I really, really like this book. Easy to read and understand. Very practical information, helps, lists and summaries abound.
Reading this work was very pleasant. The introduction is exceedingly kind and friendly. I was taken in with the myth of Narcissus who reminds me of many a fellow working out at the gym. Since this book is primarily about a man and a woman, and the man is a narcissist, I was curious if the times of intimacy would be analyzed and to what degree. People who are in a relationship with a narcissist may want to compare. It’s in the intimate behavior that one recognizes the weaknesses of the narcissist.
The book starts like most of them do, with a description of NPD, narcissistic personality disorder. But the author added shadings I haven't seen in other books. As she discussed the distinct types, she looked into why that particular type of narcissism is apt to spring up.
Narcissism is certainly a big topic in the self-help circles these days. I have read and reviewed a number of books about it, typically about the relationship between male narcissists and female empaths. Out of all the books I've read, this is one of the better ones.
I haven’t finished this book yet but it has been so helpful. I have read many books on narcissists, but this gives some great descriptions and definitions that I could pass on to others that don’t quite understand with what my family is dealing.
This book was recommended by my therapist and I truly believe it saved my life as well as the lives of my children. Narcissism is such a deeper issue than what most of society understands. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.
Narcissism has become a big subject in the past few years, especially for women as they are often the victims of abuse given out by narcissistic men. It's clear to me the book was written by someone who has actually experienced this and is thus in a better position to help those struggling with a relationship afflicted by narcissism.