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The Paul's Letters to the Romans: The New Testament, Revised English Edition

Written by:
Narrated by:
Roger McGough

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 1, 2011
0 hours 57 minutes
'Paul’s Letter to the Romans': Roger McGough reads the first of the 'Letters of Paul', in which he explains how salvation is offered through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Specially composed music is included. The readings were part of BBC Radio 4's series of 341 daily episodes of the Bible, broadcast in 1991 and 1992. Abridged by Delia Paton. 'The New Testament': These abridged readings of the New Testament are taken from the 1989 Revised English Bible, which was translated directly from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into modern English to produce a Bible that was at once accessible and authoritative.
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Louann A.

He reads way tooo fast. It’s the Holy Bible! Not a 5minute storybook to be read as if it’s a contest on who can read faster. It’s possibly the worse read book I’ve ever heard!!! Awful!! What were they thinking letting him read like that?!!!

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